FMS Insight Station Monitor Pages

The station monitor pages are intended to be used on the shop floor by the operators; these pages display the virtual whiteboard of material sticky notes. Each in-process piece of material is represented by a virtual sticky note. On the sticky note, FMS Insight displays the part name, serial, assigned workorder, and any signaled inspections. The sticky note can be clicked or tapped to open a dialog with more details about the material including the log of events. The dialog also allows the operator to notify Insight of changes in the material, such as completing wash or assigning a workorder. Finally, the sticky note contains an identicon based on the part name and the final number/letter of the serial.

We suggest that computers or mounted tablets be placed next to various stations in the factory, perhaps with an attached barcode scanner. The computer or mounted tablet can then be configured to open the specific screen for the station by either bookmarking the page or just setting the specific page as the homepage for the browser.

System Overview

Screenshot of System Overview access button

In the top bar of every station screen, there is a collection of squares and triangles. This provides a quick overview of the current state of the system. There is one square for each machine and one triangle for each load station. The colors within the squares indicate if a pallet is at the inbound, worktable, or outbound position of each machine. The color within the triangle indicates if the load station is occupied or not. The icons can be clicked to open up a dialog containing more details about the system overview.

Screenshot of System Overview

The overview shows each machine, load station and pallet in the system and the material currently on the pallets. The material can be hovered and clicked to open more details.

Load Station

Screenshot of Load Station screen

On the top toolbar, the specific load station number is set. Insight will display only regions relevant to this specific load station, including the material region, the faces of the pallet currently at the load station, and a region for completed material. Optionally, the queues dropdown on the top toolbar can be used to add additional whiteboard regions to display in addition to the pallet regions. Typically we suggest that in-process queues have their own computer with a dedicated display, but for queues closely associated with the load station such as a transfer stand, the virtual whiteboard region for the queue can be displayed along with the pallet regions.

Screenshot of Load Station Material Dialog

When a material sticky note is clicked or tapped, a dialog will open with a log of events for the piece of material. The dialog can also be opened by using a scanner or manually entering a serial via the magnifying glass button on the toolbar. In the dialog, a variety of actions can be taken for the specific material.

Finally, the lower-right hand corner of the screen contains a brown circular button which when clicked will open all load instructions for all material currently being loaded or unloaded. Alternatively, in the material dialog, the Instructions button can be clicked to open the instructions for only a single piece of material.


Screenshot of Queues Screen

The queues screen shows the material currently inside one or more queues. On the top toolbar, one or more queues can be selected and the virtual whiteboard regions for the selected queues are then displayed. The material in the queue can be re-ordered by clicking and dragging on the 6-dot icon on the left of each piece of material. Depending on the configuration and which specific queue is selected, material can be added to a queue by clicking the plus icon in the top-right corner.

On raw material queues, the list of in-process jobs and/or unfilled workorders will be displayed in a table. This table can be used by the operators to decide which material to run next.

Screenshot of Queue Material Dialog

By clicking or tapping on a material sticky note, a dialog will open with details about the specific piece of material. The dialog will have a variety of actions for the specific material. An attached barcode scanner can also be used to open the material dialog.


Screenshot of Inspection Station screen

The inspection screen shows completed material that has been marked for inspection. On the top toolbar, a specific inspection type can be selected or all material for inspection can be shown. On the left is the virtual whiteboard region for completed but not yet inspected material and on the right is material which has completed inspections.

When a material sticky note is clicked or tapped, a dialog will open with a log of events for the piece of material. If a specific inspection type is selected, there will be buttons to mark a piece of material as either successfully inspected or failed. When clicked or tapped, this will record an event in the log and move the virtual sticky note from the left to the right. The top toolbar on the right allows an operator name to be entered and this operator name will be attached to the created inspection completed log entry. Finally, the operator can open inspection instructions.

An attached barcode scanner can also be used to open the material dialog. This allows viewing details and marking as inspected or uninspected any part by scanned serial (even if the part is not on the screen).

Close Out

Screenshot of Close Out Screen

The close out screen shows completed material from the last 36 hours. On the left is the virtual whiteboard region for completed but not yet closed out material and on the right is material which has completed closeout. Closeout is optional but intended for any final manual process needed before the part can be shipped; typically this includes a final wash or workorder assignment or other tasks.

When a material sticky note is clicked or tapped, a dialog will open with a log of events for the piece of material. There is a button to mark a piece of material as closed out. When clicked or tapped, this will record an event in the log and move the virtual sticky note from the left to the right. The top toolbar on the right allows an operator name to be entered and this operator name will be attached to the created log entry. Finally, the operator can open instructions.

An attached barcode scanner can also be used to open the material dialog. This allows viewing details and marking as closed out any part by scanned serial (even if the part is not on the screen because more than 36 hours has passed).

System Overview Page

Screenshot of System Overview Screen

All station screens have access to the system overview by clicking the system overview button (the colored squares and triangles) located in the top toolbar which opens the system overview in a dialog. Alternatively, the system overview can be opened as a dedicated page itself. The intention of FMS Insight is that each tablet or computer be dedicated to a specific task or station, and thus you may consider a dedicated display for the system overview page. (Note, the system overview is also available to the operations manager as part of the Operations Screens.)

The system overview shows all the machines, load stations, and pallets. It also shows the material on each pallet. The material can be clicked to bring up the details for that specific piece of material.

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