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We have partnered with CMS Research, Inc. to provide software integration.

  • Obtain a free customized quote for all SeedTactics software.
  • Set up a free sales web-meeting to see live demos and chat about FMS systems.
  • Arrange a visit to one of our customers to see the software in production.
  • Obtain expert advice on improving OEE.
  • Receive training on efficiently operating an FMS and using the SeedTactics software.
  • Develop customed workflows for scribing barcodes inside the machine, custom ERP order integration, or other actions in response to system events such as pallet movements or machine cycle starts.

Get a free, no obligation quote by emailing CMS Research at or calling 1-920-235-3356.

About CMS Research

CMS Research, Inc. was founded in 1980 as a result of several years of research on low inventory manufacturing systems. Dedicated to the development and application of useful software tools, CMS has successfully served hundreds of business clients and thousands of software users throughout the world.

With software installations in 25 countries, CMS has experience with world-wide organizations and global manufacturing. The ever changing nature of the global market place has guided CMS in its development of software and engineering services. This global approach for the innovation of the factory has kept CMS at the forefront in a rapidly changing technical environment. The focus and strength of CMS is in the application of low inventory flexible manufacturing operation.

This expertise and software started with extensive involvement in one of the most complex advanced production environments: the flexible manufacturing system. Based on years of effort over a wide range of applications, CMS partnered with Black Maple Software to develop useful analytic and simulation-based tools directed at understanding the complex relationships between inventory, balance, flexibility, capacity, and scheduling within a production facility. This innovative approach to the low inventory unbalanced production problem results in uniquely insightful methods for the engineering and implementation of minimal cost manufacturing operations.